Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 2

Left the UP this morning, arrived at Northern Exposure Resort in Cameron WI early afternoon. change to Central time. Resort is a stretch as far as names go. Carl thought it might be a nudist camp by the name so we both got a little anxious for this new adventure. Campground is quite off the beaten path which added to our anxiety. Turned out it is a old fishing camp, not nudist. Okay, maybe a little of a let down. LOL Owners not real hospitable, no laundry or sewer  hookup.

Extremely tight spots, which Carl maneuvered masterly

 Mostly seasonal who all have 350 gal plastic tanks under their RVs to hold waste. Guess they call contractor once in a while to empty those tanks as the owners don't do honey dipping either. What a place.

The view of the lake was very nice

but the place was pretty much a dump. Got the Camp Club USA discount of $12.50  a night. Charged us $3 for cable and $3 for Internet. So instead of staying two days and doing laundry and relaxing, we just pulled up stakes and headed a little farther west.  Our drive from Michigan's UP to Cameron was pretty boring. We did see huge, I mean huge, patches of trillium all along the route. Lots of small lakes and dairy farms and of course, lots of forests.
Decided to spend a little more mula and find a nicer place with more amenities for our next stay.

1 comment:

  1. Love to read the updates. Sounds as if the first couple weeks have lived up to the adventure definition! Safe travels! B&D
