Leaving Hinton by 8AM.
Are we ready or what?
Saw this brown bear along the route. No, I'm not getting any closer for a photo op and I refused to pay the huge price for a camera with a 26X zoom.
The drive was scenic with a little construction but for the most part great roads. We stopped once for coffee and potty break around Grand Cache and again in Grand Prairie for fuel.
Arrive at todays' destination around 2PM
There are about 5 campgrounds within a mile or so radius of ours and they are all pretty much full. They sure pack em in too. Looks like lots of folks are doing this trip this year. The couple on one side of us (from New Hampshire) are headed up for their second time. This time they are taking the same route we are (top of the world highway), so I am sure we will run into them again.
We made a stop at the local visitors center and museum where we got information on the history of the town and watched a great video on the building of the Alaska Highway. (sort of reminded me of the museum in Mackinaw City on the building of the bridge) Walked around town and took in the sites while enjoying the warm sunshine. The past two days have been sunny and warm with blue blue skies and a few fluffy clouds.

Again, not sure when we will have internet access, so- until we meet again.
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